On July 10, the presentation of the Spanish node of the AgrifoodTEF project was held at the digital innovation center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) La Vega Innova. The conference was inaugurated by Isabel Bombal, Director General of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-Food Training.

For the development of this project, a global investment of 60 million euros will be made throughout the European Union (EU) over the next four years, divided into main nodes and satellite nodes. These are deployed in nine member states (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland and Sweden), with a total of 30 participating entities. It is the largest European artificial intelligence and robotics project applied in the agri-food sector.

The Spanish satellite node has a budget of 5 million euros, financed in equal parts by the MAPA and the European Commission (EC).

This proposal will be strategic for Spanish companies, as it will allow them to accelerate the arrival on the market of solutions for the agri-food sector based on AI or robotics through the Spanish testing and validation infrastructures deployed in A Coruña, Córdoba and Lleida. Each zone will serve different subsectors:

  • A Coruña: through the facilities of the Agricultural Research Centre in Mabegondo (CIAM), belonging to the Galician Agency for Food Quality (AGACAL) and Gradiant, its service offer will be aimed at fodder production and dairy production. It is within this initiative that we collaborate at DATAlife.
  • Córdoba: through the facilities and resources of the University of Cordoba (UCO), it will offer a range of services aimed at herbaceous crops, horticulture and fruit trees, extensive livestock and the food industry. The company Hispatec will support this headquarters.
  • Lleida: through the facilities and resources of the University of Lleida (UdL), Agrotecnio, the Centre for Pig Studies (CEP) and the Lleida Agrobiotech Park, it will be mainly aimed at the pig sector, fruit growing and agri-food data spaces.