Consulting firm specialized in Intellectual and Industrial Property

Consulting firm specialized in Intellectual and Industrial Property

Training and consulting

Hire this service if you are interested in protecting your ideas and innovations and delving into the importance, requirements and procedures of applying for Intellectual Property rights. This consultancy offers tailor-made services in training and advice on intellectual property through workshops with information on the invention of the consultancy, possible protection strategies or the impact on the business model, as well as specialized services for analysis of the state of the art in patents, registration history in trademarks or evaluation of the feasibility of patentability, among others.

SMEs wishing to obtain this service will obtain 100% funding through the EDIH DATAlife project. If you’re interested, fill out the form!

Informative webinar

DIH DATAlife is an initiative developed in the framework of the Galician Digital Innovation Hub Strategy, promoted by the Galicia Regional Administration through the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry.

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O Hub DIH DATAlife é unha iniciativa que se desenvolve no marco da Estratexia Galega de Hubs de Innovación Dixitais, promovida pola Xunta de Galicia a través da Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria

Si tienes un proyecto que puede solucionar estos retos y quieres que valoremos la convocatoria Conecta Hubs de GAIN, contáctanos