Obradoiro for the innovative digitalization of gerontological resources in Galicia

The objective of the workshop is to analyse the needs and digital maturity of the gerontological resources of Galicia, to trace routes for digital transformation and, based on the real needs of the sector, to offer alternatives for Galician technology companies, enriching the productive fabric of the community.

Schedule of construction workers*

The obradoiros have ended, if you want information, do not hesitate to contact us


Obradoiro 1: Presentation of the program. Description of the Digital Maturity Assessment Tool (DMA).

March 29 | 10:00 – 12:00

Obradoiro 2: DMA results. Analysis of the real digitalization needs of the gerontological sector.

April 25 | 10:00 – 12:00

Obradoiro 3: Innovative digitalization seminar. Digital solutions from Galician technology companies.

May 19 | 10:00 – 12:00

Obradoiro 4: Final working session for the development of the digital transformation route projects.

June 14 | 10:00 – 12:00

*The obradoiros will be open and free of charge for all entities that want to join. Soon we will attach the links to participate..

Form for taking the digital maturity test

This form is offered to non-technological Galician SMEs. We encourage you to participate and, thus, be able to find solutions to your real needs, promote the quality of care in gerontological centers in Galicia, learn about the technological innovations in the sector and put Galician gerontological resources at the forefront.

Registration deadline: : March 24, 2022 at 3:00 p.m..

Number of places: up to 10 non-tech SMEs, so the maturity test and the digitalisation plan will only be carried out on registered companies*.

NOTE: It is necessary to register through the following form in order to take the maturity test and the digitalization plan. It is aimed only at Galician non-technology SMEs. Even so, the obradoiros will be open and free of charge for all those entities that wish to join.


Download document:

icono de manual de identidad corporativaCommitment to participate in the Obradoiro of innovative digitalization of gerontological resources**


Download document in Word format

Download document in PDF format

*Las inscripciones seguirán un orden cronológico estricto de recepción vía formulario. Las entidades gerontológicas inscritas en el programa deben asistir a los 4 obradoiros. Se comprometen a la realización del “Digital Maturity assessment” DMA (test de madurez digital) y a la elaboración del proyecto de ruta de transformación digital final. Las entidades seleccionadas para poder participar deberán firmar, de forma previa al inicio, el contrato de compromiso de asistencia y ejecución. Una vez finalizado el obradoiro, deberán firmar la declaración responsable de participación.

With the collaboration of:

The conference is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, within the framework of the ERDF Galicia 2014-2020 operational programme.

DIH DATAlife is an initiative developed in the framework of the Galician Digital Innovation Hub Strategy, promoted by the Galicia Regional Administration through the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry.

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O Hub DIH DATAlife é unha iniciativa que se desenvolve no marco da Estratexia Galega de Hubs de Innovación Dixitais, promovida pola Xunta de Galicia a través da Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria

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