DATAlife travelled to Poznan (Poland) to meet with representatives of the partners that are part of the AgrifoodTEF project consortium. The three-day agenda was full of work, discussions, problem solving and improvement actions.

AgrifoodTEF is a €60 million project involving 36 partners from nine different countries. The aim is to continue driving the digital transformation in Europe’s agri-food sector and the services offered are 100% funded for SMEs that wish to obtain them.

Companies that develop products or services in Artificial Intelligence and/or robotics that are not on the market and that wish to experiment, test, validate, etc. such products aimed at the agri-food sector can participate.

The work meetings are serving to improve the catalogue of services that the project is already beginning to offer. The Spanish team is open to receiving proposals, so don’t hesitate to contact us to find out how we can help you!

In the Spanish node are DATAlife, Gradiant, Higher Technical School of Agronomic and Forestry Engineering (ETSIAM), University of Lleida (UdL), Galician Agency for Food Quality (AGACAL), Hispatec, Lleida Agrobiotech Park, Centre d’Estudis Porcins (CEP) and Agrotecnio.