
The training methodology was based on a combination of theoretical presentations, practical case studies and interactive discussions. The following topics were addressed:

  • European policies and regulation on the data economy
  • What are data spaces and what are they needed for?
  • Main Spanish and European organizations
  • Architectures proposed by IDSA and Gaia-X
  • The role of different participants in data spaces
  • Introduction to data space governance
  • Potential benefits for companies
  • Examples of data spaces under development for each of the sectors defined by the European Commission

The training was given by Helena Fernández López, head of data at Gradiant.

Course recording and presentations are now available in our virtual classroom.

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DIH DATAlife is an initiative developed in the framework of the Galician Digital Innovation Hub Strategy, promoted by the Galicia Regional Administration through the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry.

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