
The training will include theoretical sessions that will address the requirements and regulatory changes linked to digital tools in the agricultural field. The following topics will be addressed:

  • Introduction to the Digital Field Notebook
  • Introduction to the Digital Exploitation Book
  • Digital books of drug treatments, veterinary prescriptions and prescription databases
  • Collection, extraction and integration of data by monitoring systems in livestock and farms

The training will be given by Raúl Marcos Rodríguez, Arza IngenieríaJesús Cantalapiedra and Gerardo Rivero Cuesta, veterinarians of the Ministry of Rural Affairs; and Elio López García, CEO of Innogando.

📅 September 10th

📍 AGACA (Santiago de Compostela)

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DIH DATAlife is an initiative developed in the framework of the Galician Digital Innovation Hub Strategy, promoted by the Galicia Regional Administration through the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry.

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