
The training combined theoretical sessions, which included the presentation of success stories, and practical sessions, with visits to agro-industries and plots with monitoring systems. The following topics were addressed:

  • Conceptual and regulatory framework of water in agribusiness and the Galician countryside
  • Circular water economy
  • Sensorization of processes, products and services in SMEs
  • Monitoring of water catchments, irrigation systems and irrigation returns in irrigated crops
  • Reuse of reclaimed water
  • Data exploitation and management

The training was given by Tomás S. Cuesta, Teresa Teijeiro and Javier J. Cancela, agronomists from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).

Course recording and presentations are now available in our virtual classroom.

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DIH DATAlife is an initiative developed in the framework of the Galician Digital Innovation Hub Strategy, promoted by the Galicia Regional Administration through the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry.

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